~CURRY LABO TOKYO が美味しい『あいがけカレー』を世界へ~
最高に映える本格的なカレーを提供する全く新しいオシャレCAFE が新登場
Curry Labo Tokyo 日比谷店/原宿店 新規OPEN

TOKYO BISHOKU LABO, INC. (Headquarters: 3-22-9 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo / CEO: Takeshi Ueda) have launched “Curry Labo Tokyo”, which has expanded the menu of “Emeru Curry”, which has been featured in various media and is very popular for its authentic taste.
株式会社東京美食Labo(本社:東京都港区西麻布3-22-9 / 代表取締役:上田剛史)は、各種メディアで取り上げられて本格的な旨味が大好評の『映えるカレー』のメニューを拡充させた「Curry Labo Tokyo」を立ち上げました。

“Curry Labo Tokyo Hibiya/Harajuku Store” at existing stores (Hibiya store: 1-2 Hibiya Park, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo / Harajuku store: 1-9-30 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo FLEG1 Floor) will start operating under a double brand with our cheesecake brand “Namery Roasted” from late September 2022. (Pre-opening: early September 2022 / Grand Open: October 2022 )
「Curry Labo Tokyo 日比谷店/原宿店」(日比谷店:東京都千代田区日比谷公園1-2 / 原宿店:東京都渋谷区神宮前1-9-30 FLEG1階)を弊社チーズケーキブランド「Namery Roasted」とのダブルブランドでの運営を開始致します。(2022 年9月上旬よりプレOPEN 実施中 / 2022 年10 月グランドOPEN)

We want a wide range of people, from small children to the elderly, to eat our curry, which is made with carefully selected ingredients and deliciousness, at a reasonable price. Curry Labo Tokyo make that dream come true.
素材と美味しさにこだわり抜いたカレーをリーズナブルな価格で小さなお子様からご年配の方まで幅広く多くの方々に食べて頂きたい。Curry Labo Tokyo はその想いを形にします。

A very popular fashionable cafe in Hibiya Park and Takeshita Street in Harajuku
-Further evolution of the curry menu to expand the new business format “Stylish Curry Cafe” nationwide-
This time, in addition to cheesecakes and drinks from specialty stores, we have expanded the popular “Curry” for its rich flavor as “Curry Labo Tokyo”, and TOKYO BISHOKU LABO, which has been well received at Isetan Shinjuku Main Store and Ginza Mitsukoshi. has evolved around the “Matsusaka Beef Curry”. You can enjoy authentic and delicious curry that has been featured in various media such as TV and SNS together with cheesecake and drinks in a stylish cafe.
今回、専門店のチーズケーキとドリンクに加えて、濃厚な旨味が大好評の「カレー」を「Curry Labo Tokyo」として拡大し、伊勢丹新宿本店や銀座三越等でもご好評を頂いている東京美食Labo の「松阪牛カレー」を中心に進化させました。TV やSNS など各種メディアにも多く取り上げられている本格的で美味しい「映えるカレー」を、「おしゃれなカフェ」で「チーズケーキ」やドリンクとセットでお召し上がり頂けます。

Compared to similar business formats, it has an overwhelming sense of fashion even compared to the widely-developed “curry restaurants.” Differentiated with a combination of richness and endless variety of curry and toppings. Also, of course, even if you compare it with a “fashionable cafe”, you can’t see a business that has both such “authentic curry” and “specialty store cheesecake” nationwide.

New Store Summary/新店舗概要
Store/店舗: Curry Labo Tokyo HIBIYA / Curry Labo Tokyo 日比谷店
Address/住所: 1-2 Hibiya Park, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo FLEG 1F / 東京都千代田区日比谷公園1-2
Time/時間: 10: 00-19: 00 (L.O.)
Store/店舗: Curry Labo Tokyo HARAJUKU / Curry Labo Tokyo 原宿店
Address/住所: 1-9-30 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo FLEG 1F / 東京都渋谷区神宮前1-9-30 FLEG1階
Time/時間: 11: 00-19: 00 (L.O.)
Menu/メニュー: https://company.tokyo-b-labo.com/wp/pdf/menu.pdf

東京美食Labo について
In order to connect Japanese “BISHOKU(gastronomy)” and make people all over the world smile, we explore “gourmet food” that makes the body happy with “five senses”. “LABO” of TOKYO BISHOKU LABO shows the attitude of continuing to “explore” and “pursue”, search for delicious and healthy “gourmet”, connect producers and consumers, and bring smiles to the world.
日本の美食を繋げて世界中の人を笑顔にする為に、「五感」で身体が喜ぶ「美食」を探求。東京美食Labo の「Labo」は「探求」「追求」し続ける姿勢を示しており、美味しくて身体に良い「美食」を探求し、生産者と消費者を繋げて世界に笑顔を届けて参ります。

Company Profile / 会社概要
Company name: TOKYO BISHOKU LABO, INC. / 株式会社東京美食Labo
Location: 3-22-9 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo / 東京都港区西麻布3-22-9
Representative: Takeshi Ueda / 上田剛史
URL: https://company.tokyo-b-labo.com/wp/
Business content / 事業内容
New business & product development / 新規事業・商品開発
“Discovery / creation” of Japanese gastronomy with producers
Sales & marketing business / 販売・マーケティング事業
“Sales / marketing” of gastronomy via unique domestic and overseas sales channels
Platform business / プラットフォーム事業
Creating a “platform” for high-quality gastronomy that connects producers and customers
Contact for media coverage of this release
Marketing Division / マーケティング本部
Marketing Planning Office Manager / マーケティング企画室長
Katsuya Matsumoto / 松本克也
TEL: 03-6804-1521 (Weekdays/平日 10: 00-17: 00)
E-mail: pr@company.tokyo-b-labo.com