Japan Tobvious株式会社の飲食事業を取得

TOKYO BISHOKU LABO, INC. (Headquarters: 3-22-9 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Takeshi Ueda) has acquired food service business of Japan Tobvious Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Toshima-ku, Tokyo: Hiromi Kasagawa), which handles a wide range of restaurant and franchise businesses. In addition, with the acquisition of the restaurant business, Takeshi Ueda will be appointed as Representative Director of TOKYO BISHOKU LABO, INC.
We will pursue “gourmet food” that makes the body happy with the “five senses” that are pleasing to the eye, and will accelerate the pursuit of high-quality ingredients and provision methods that combine “tradition” and “innovation.”
株式会社東京美食Labo(本社:東京都港区西麻布3-22-9 代表取締役:上田剛史)は飲食店舗事業及びフランチャイズ事業を幅広く手掛けるJapan Tobvious株式会社(本社:東京都豊島区、代表取締役:笠川大海)の飲食事業を取得致しました。また今回の飲食事業取得に伴い、株式会社東京美食Laboの代表取締役に上田剛史が就任致します。
Japan Tobvious Co., Ltd./Japan Tobvious株式会社
Japan Tobvious Co., Ltd. has a track record of developing and managing dozens of restaurants, franchise businesses, and delivery specialty stores nationwide, centered on meat and cafe businesses, and has strengths in high-quality products and designs. We are building a solid sales management base.
Japan Tobvious株式会社は肉業態やカフェ業態を中心とした飲食店舗事業及びフランチャイズ事業、デリバリー専門店の開発・経営を全国で数十店舗展開してきた実績を有し、高品質な商品やデザインを強みとして確固たる営業運営基盤を築いております。

東京美食Labo について
In order to connect Japanese “BISHOKU(gastronomy)” and make people all over the world smile, we explore “gourmet food” that makes the body happy with “five senses”. “LABO” of TOKYO BISHOKU LABO shows the attitude of continuing to “explore” and “pursue”, search for delicious and healthy “gourmet”, connect producers and consumers, and bring smiles to the world.

Company Profile / 会社概要
Company name: TOKYO BISHOKU LABO, INC. / 株式会社東京美食Labo
Location: 3-22-9 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo / 東京都港区西麻布3-22-9
Representative: Takeshi Ueda / 上田剛史
URL: https://company.tokyo-b-labo.com/
Business content / 事業内容
New business & product development / 新規事業・商品開発
“Discovery / creation” of Japanese gastronomy with producers
Sales & marketing business / 販売・マーケティング事業
“Sales / marketing” of gastronomy via unique domestic and overseas sales channels
Platform business / プラットフォーム事業
Creating a “platform” for high-quality gastronomy that connects producers and customers生産者と顧客をつなぐ上質な美食の「プラットフォーム」創造
Contact for media coverage of this release / 本リリースに関する報道お問い合わせ先
Marketing Division / マーケティング本部
Head of Marketing Planning Dept / マーケティング企画部長
Katsuya Matsumoto / 松本克也
TEL: 03-6804-1521 (Weekdays/平日 10: 00-17: 00)
E-mail: pr@tokyo-b-labo.com