最高に映えるフルーツCheesecake が『生』で新登場
Namery Roasted 原宿店 新規OPEN

TOKYO BISHOKU LABO, INC. (Headquarters: 3-22-9 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo /Representative Director: Takeshi Ueda) is newly opening “Namery Roasted HARAJUKU”(Address: 1-9-30 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, FLEG 1st floor) on May 16, 2022 which offers”NAMA Cheesecake” as a “new product that has never been seen before” with a smoother texture in addition to “rare” that shines with plenty of fruit, which is very popular at affiliated cafes. (Pre-OPEN is being implemented from the beginning of May 2022)
株式会社東京美食Labo(本社:東京都港区西麻布3-22-9 / 代表取締役:上田剛史)は、系列店舗でも大好評のフルーツたっぷりで映える『レア』に加えて、食感がより一層なめらかな「今までない新商品」として『生』チーズケーキ(NAMA Cheesecake)を提供する「Namery Roasted 原宿店」(住所:東京都渋谷区神宮前1-9-30 FLEG1階)を2022 年5月16日より新規OPEN 致します。(2022 年5月上旬よりプレOPEN 実施中)

A big fashionable cheesecake that is a hot topic in the HIBIYA park
-Challenge new sensation sweets with further evolved feeling-
At the Namery Roasted HIBIYA store, “rare cheesecake” that shines with plenty of fruit, “bask cheesecake” that is rich in royal road, “pudding” that has a new feeling while giving a “SHOWA” Nostalgic atmosphere, and full-scale that shines overwhelmingly The delicious “curry” has been very well received and has been featured in various media such as TV and SNS. At this Namery Roasted HARAJUKU store, we will offer a new genre of completely new cheesecake “NAMA Cheesecake” that does not use “fire” (and “any other hardening material such as gelatin”) .
[ The following are the products offered at Namery Roasted HIBIYA. (ref) https://www.instagram.com/nameryroasted/ ]
Namery Roasted 日比谷店では、フルーツたっぷりで映える「レアチーズケーキ」、王道の濃厚「バスクチーズケーキ」、昭和の郷愁的な雰囲気を感じさせつつも新しい食感の「プリン」、そして圧倒的に映える本格的な旨味の「カレー」等が大好評を博しており、TV やSNS など各種メディアにも多く取り上げられております。今回のNamery Roasted 原宿店では、全く新しい 「火」(及びゼラチンなど固めるための材料)を一切使うことのない『生』のチーズケーキ「NAMA Cheesecake」を提供し、新ジャンルへ挑戦致します。
[※下記はNamery Roasted 日比谷店で提供している商品(参考)https://www.instagram.com/nameryroasted/ ]

The latest new sensation “NAMA” cheesecake
~ “State-of-the-art sweets” date spot in Harajuku
Similar to the rare cheesecake offered at the Namery Roasted HIBIYA, the fruit is used abundantly to the extent that it is “unparalleled”, and the concept of “photogenic cheesecake” remains the same. On the other hand, the biggest difference between “NAMA(raw)” and “rare” is the “feeling”. NAMA Cheesecake is made from only raw materials and never use fire at all.
Namery Roasted 日比谷店で提供しているレアチーズケーキと同様に「他に類を見ない」くらいにフルーツがふんだんに使用され「映えるチーズケーキ」としての大人気コンセプトはそのまま。一方で、『生』と『レア』で何よりも大きく違うのはその「食感」。NAMA Cheesecake は食材の素材のみで固めて作る火を使わない『生』。

It is a cheesecake that is hardened by a special technique instead of using gelatin to harden it like a rare cheesecake. In addition, By consuming it slowly, you can deeply enjoy the “change in taste” and the original taste of the food material, from the “cold, cool and smooth” state immediately after serving to the “relaxing and smooth melting”.

Curry that overwhelmingly “shines” on SNS and TV
~ Authentic “umami” and “spices” that are not just for the eyes ~
SNS やTV でも大人気の圧倒的に「映える」カレー
At the Namery Roasted HIBIYA where you can choose between two types of roux with “Aigake (Matching)”, a large “shining” curry is also available at this Harajuku store. You can enjoy a variety of original spice-blended spice curries, and a curry that has a perfect balance of rich flavor / taste and spices, from carefully selected Matsusaka beef.
2 種類のルーを「あいがけ」で選べるNamery Roasted日比谷店で大人気の「映える」カレーはこちらの原宿店でもご提供。オリジナルでスパイスを配合した様々な香りを楽しめるスパイスカレーや、厳選した松阪牛の濃厚な旨味/甘みとスパイスの辛さが絶妙なバランスのカレーを「混ぜ合わせて」食べて頂くのがオススメ。

Edible flowers are a beautiful plate with plenty of achar. And contrary to the visual, it is quite authentic. It is firmly spicy and has been well received for its rich richness and umami.

New Store Summary/新店舗概要 (2022.5.16 GRAND OPEN)
~ Brand new “NAMA Cheesecake”, a cheesecake with a “NAMA(raw)” feel-
~全く新しい「生」食感のチーズケーキ「NAMA Cheesecake」~
Store/店舗: Namery Roasted HARAJUKU / Namery Roasted 原宿店
Address/住所: 1-9-30 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo FLEG 1F / 東京都渋谷区神宮前1-9-30 FLEG1階
Time/時間: 10: 00-19: 00 (L.O.)
Price/価格: NAMA cheesecake 1,000 yen (excluding tax) / curry 1,500 yen (excluding tax), etc.

東京美食Labo について
In order to connect Japanese “BISHOKU(gastronomy)” and make people all over the world smile, we explore “gourmet food” that makes the body happy with “five senses”. “LABO” of TOKYO BISHOKU LABO shows the attitude of continuing to “explore” and “pursue”, search for delicious and healthy “gourmet”, connect producers and consumers, and bring smiles to the world.

Company Profile / 会社概要
Company name: TOKYO BISHOKU LABO, INC. / 株式会社東京美食Labo
Location: 3-22-9 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo / 東京都港区西麻布3-22-9
Representative: Takeshi Ueda / 上田剛史
URL: https://company.tokyo-b-labo.com/
Business content / 事業内容
New business & product development / 新規事業・商品開発
“Discovery / creation” of Japanese gastronomy with producers
Sales & marketing business / 販売・マーケティング事業
“Sales / marketing” of gastronomy via unique domestic and overseas sales channels
Platform business / プラットフォーム事業
Creating a “platform” for high-quality gastronomy that connects producers and customers生産者と顧客をつなぐ上質な美食の「プラットフォーム」創造
Contact for media coverage of this release / 本リリースに関する報道お問い合わせ先
Marketing Division / マーケティング本部
Head of Marketing Planning Dept / マーケティング企画部長
Katsuya Matsumoto / 松本克也
TEL: 03-6804-1521 (Weekdays/平日 10: 00-17: 00)
E-mail: pr@tokyo-b-labo.com